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5 Things To Know About Probate and Your San Diego County Real Estate

Have you recently inherited a house in San Diego County? The process can seem overwhelming and confusing, especially if you aren’t prepared. In this post, we offer 5 things you need to know about probate and the San Diego County real estate you have inherited.  Going through the probate process typically means that you have … Continued

3 Ways Wholesalers Can Find Motivated Sellers in San Diego County

A wholesaler is only as good as the deal he can present. This means finding motivated sellers who are willing to sell a property for less than current market value for any reason. Three ways wholesalers can find motivated sellers in San Diego County include targeting very specific avenues, casting a wide net or something … Continued

The New Way To Sell Your Home in San Diego County

Are you planning on selling your San Diego County house? Before you commit to an agent or try to sell it on your own, learn about the new way to sell your home in San Diego County! For most people, the thought of selling their San Diego County house will likely involve the MLS and the … Continued

How to Determine Home Values in San Diego County

Ready to sell? Now the tough part, understanding how to determine home values in San Diego County.  Sellers often get caught up in memories that were created and attach an emotional value to the home. It can make the determination of the value an extremely difficult process and also result in the home being priced … Continued

How To Sell A Probate Property In San Diego County

If you own a property, that is stuck in the courts, it can feel frustrating and overwhelming. All of your hard work handling everything should pay off in one way or another. In our latest post, we will help you learn how to sell a probate property in San Diego County! The probate process is … Continued

The 4 Best Ways to Wholesale Properties in California

Buying and selling real estate as an investor is easy, right? Not really. Newbie real estate investors often become overwhelmed at just how much is involved in the process of any real estate transaction. Wholesaling is a great alternative to help you learn what makes a great deal, understand the market and develop the negotiation … Continued

4 Tips to Flip a House in San Diego County

Have you always wanted to get started flipping houses? We have put these 4 tips to flip a house in San Diego County the fast and easy way! Flipping properties can be an excellent way to see big profits. But before you dive right in, there are a few things you need to know that … Continued
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